Wonderful news from UPM!

UPM has positioned itself as the frontrunner in the sustainable transformation of the paper industry by obtaining the first EU Ecolabel for newsprint. UPM News and UPM EcoBasic have obtained the EU Ecolabel after fulfilling strict criteria that include requirements related to energy and chemical use, forest sustainability (origin of wood), and production-related emissions to water and air.

UPM News and UPM EcoBasic are the first newsprints in Europe to receive the EU Ecolabel since the criteria were approved in July 2012. They are produced with at least 70% recovered fibres with the balance of fibres from PEFC or FSC certified sources. The EU Ecolabel for newsprint further certifies that the energy use, chemicals used as well as emissions and waste management comply with strict benchmark standards.

UPM’s EU ecolabelled newsprint paper is produced in 7 (seven) different paper mills: Kaipola (Finland), Ettringen, Schongau, Schwedt (Germany), Steyrermühl (Austria), Shotton (UK), and Chapelle (France).

To receive the EU Ecolabel for newsprint paper is a significant achievement underlining UPM’s environmental performance. To achieve this level of environmental performance the company has made significant investments such as new waste water treatment facilities and state-of-the-art biomass based renewable energy plants. All this means more efficient paper production, with less energy, less water, less waste and with less carbon.

For comprehensive details please access the link http://www.upm.com/en/media/all-news/Pages/UPM-produces-the-first-newsprint-to-carry-the-EU-Ecolabel-001-Thu-27-Sep-2012-09-00.aspx

Sources of information:

Cristina Ioana Stăicuţ – Sales Manager & General Manager, UPM Romania


Photo source: http://www.upmpaper.com/en/Papers/fairs-exhibitions/drupa_2012/Pages/default.aspx

Despre autor
Conferențiar Dr. la Facultatea de Geografie - Universitatea din Bucuresti
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