"water" tag

L’aménagement de la rivière Bistrița – « la voie lumineuse de la patrie »

Comme tout élément crée par la main de l’homme, les barrages qui chevauchent les rivières ont une vie et une fin… Une des plus connues hydrocentrales de la Roumanie, la Centrale Hydroélectrique Stejaru,…


Antarctica’s Lakes

It was August 16th 1897, a beautiful summer day, a day like any other for most people, but nevertheless a special day for a team of nineteen men, who had long prepared themselves…


Dobrogea’s Underground Water Supplies

Notwithstanding its cultural and touristic significance, Dobrogea offers plenty of “study material” for other sciences as well, such as geology, speleology, geography, history and so on. The lands of Dobrogea are rich in…


Water Information Systems in Romania

A significant portion of Romania’s laws on water information systems originates from the directives of the European Union on this subject, such as: Framework Water Directive (2000/60 / CE); Directive concerning the management…


Les systemes d’information pour l’Eau en Roumanie

Une grande partie de la législation roumaine sur les systèmes d’information de l’eau doit être attribuée principalement aux directives de l’Union européenne (UE) en matière d’eau énumérées ci-dessous: Directive-cadre sur l’eau (2000/60 /…


Pike’s Lake – Romania

Pike’s Lake is located in the Transylvanian Plateau, 10 kilometers away from Gherla, on the valley of Bont, a tributary of Fizeș River, and belongs to the village of Săcălaia (situated between Fizeșu…


La campagne nationale WWF Roumanie ,,Les rivières de montagne – la dernière chance’’

L’organisation internationale WWF (World Wildlife Fund), est un des meilleurs amis de l’environnement, et, depuis 1961, elle a organisé un grand nombre d’actions au niveau mondial, pour soutenir la préservation de la nature,…


WWF Romania National Campaign – “Mountain rivers: the last chance”

WWF (World Wildlife Fund) is one of nature’s most trusted friends, and since 1961, it has been undertaking countless worldwide campaigns aimed at preserving the environment, in over one hundred countries on five…


Why Is the Dead Sea, Dead?

First, some important information must be mentioned: the Dead Sea (or „Salty Sea”) is a closed continental sea (it does not communicate with the Planetary Ocean), located in a tectonic basin in the…

dead bird due to plastic

The Plastic Nightmare (or the largest trash ‘bin’ in the world)

Some days ago, I went to buy some cough syrup. The pharmacy lady was about to put the bottle in a plastic bag. “No bag for me, thanks! I can put the bottle…

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