"environment" tag

What does Dâmbovița have to hide?

This is not a flooded landfill or at at least a waste collecting canal in some suburban area of a poor metropolis overwhelmed by trash. In fact, this image represents Dâmbovița and was…


Global Dimming

I try to live with the idea that karma is a very real thing. So I put out what I want to get back. (Megan Fox) The phenomenon of global dimming was first noticed…


ROBO…PET – the little waste compactor

Most of us have a lot of electrical appliances in our kitchens, which help us in various tasks and are more or less useful. Their list seems to be getting longer every day,…


La campagne nationale WWF Roumanie ,,Les rivières de montagne – la dernière chance’’

L’organisation internationale WWF (World Wildlife Fund), est un des meilleurs amis de l’environnement, et, depuis 1961, elle a organisé un grand nombre d’actions au niveau mondial, pour soutenir la préservation de la nature,…


WWF Romania National Campaign – “Mountain rivers: the last chance”

WWF (World Wildlife Fund) is one of nature’s most trusted friends, and since 1961, it has been undertaking countless worldwide campaigns aimed at preserving the environment, in over one hundred countries on five…


Nuclear Power Plants – For or Against?

Nuclear power plants have been around for over half a century, the first one that began to generate electricity for commercial use was built by Russia in 1954. The first plant that used…


Why Is the Dead Sea, Dead?

First, some important information must be mentioned: the Dead Sea (or „Salty Sea”) is a closed continental sea (it does not communicate with the Planetary Ocean), located in a tectonic basin in the…

CNE Cernavoda

CNE Cernavodă – nuclear energy in Romania

Until now, in the Energy section, we have discussed various sources of energy, but we have scarcely dealt with nuclear power. This is a controversial topic and it is technically difficult, but I…


A really “green” company: UPM. A model for other companies!

The visit to UPM, in questions and answers! We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to Cristina Ioana Stăicuţ, General Manager UPM Romania, Cristina Maria Torică şi Ramona Bica – specialists…

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