Every year, more and more solar parks are built around the world. It’s impossible to create a ranking of these parks because the situation is constantly changing and existing parks are permanently improved. From the information currently available, this is a list of the photovoltaic power stations:
- Golmud Solar park, China
It is the largest solar park on the planet at the moment. With a capacity of 200 MW and an annual output of 317 GWh, Golmud produces the same amount of electricity per year as a classic power station burning 120.000 tons of coal (Wikipedia.org).
Golmud Solar Park, China. Photo source: unofficialnetworks.com
- Perovo Solar Park, Ukraine
With a nameplate capacity of 100 MW and an annual output of 133 GW-h, the Perovo photovoltaic power station is the largest of its kind in Europe.
Perovo Solar Park, Ukraine. Photo Source: bloomberg.com
- Sarnia, Canada
The capacity of this park is 97 MW, and its yearly output reaches 120 GW-h. It covers 380 hectares, with 96.6 hectares occupied by solar panels alone. In September 2010, Sarnia was the largest photo-voltaic park in the world.
Sarnia Solar Park, Canada. Photo source: solaripedia.com
- Montalto di Castro, Italia
Capacity: 84,2 MW. Located 100 km NV of Rome, it covers an area of 80 hectares with energy-producing solar panels.
Montalto di Castro, Italia. Photo source: questpointsolarsolutions.com
- Senftenberg Solar park, Germany
Capacity: 82 MW. It is situated in the eastern part of Germany, near the town of Senftenberg. It became operational in September 2011.
Senftenberg Solar Park, Germany. Photo source: phoenixsolar-group.com
- Finsterwalde Solarpark, Germany
Capacity: 80,7 MW. Like many other large solar plants, it was completed in stages. According to solarcellssale.info, this park helps cut Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions by 42.800 tones each year.
Finsterwalde Solar park, Germania. Photo source: photovoltaik.eu
- Okhotnykovo, Ukraine
Capacity: 80 MW. Annual output: 100 GW-h. It contains 360.000 solar modules, providing electricity for 20.000 homes (Wikipedia.org).
Okhotnykovo photovoltaic power station, Ukraine. Photo source: gotpowered.com
- Lop Buri, Thailand
Capacity: 73 MW, Annual output: 106 GW-h. Situated 155 km north of Bangkok, Lop Buri is among the first solar parks in Asia.
Lop Buri photovoltaic power station, Thailand. Photo source: myseek.org
- Lieberose, Germany
Capacity: 71.8 MW. It has 700.000 solar panels and gives power to nearly 15.000 homes.
Lieberose Solar Park, Germany. Photo source: solarserver.com
- Olmedilla de Alarcon, Spain.
Capacity: 60 MW, Annual output: 85 GW-h. In 2008 it was the largest photovoltaic park in the world. It features 270.000 solar panels and powers 40.000 houses in Spain (wikipedia.org).
Olmedilla de Alarcon Solar Park, Spain. Photo source: publicearth.com
We are anxiously waiting for the day when Romania will host a world-class photovoltaic power station.
Sources :
Article written by Ioana Stoicescu and translated by Mihail Mitoșeriu