Top 10 – cleanest cities in the world. First Part

If you ever wanted to live, to visit or just to admire cities where cleanliness matters, where rubbish doesn’t litter the streets and where the quality of the air is great, you can check out:


In 2011, Mercer made a ranking of the cleanest cities in the world. The criteria used were air quality and the cleanliness of the streets and squares. Mercer is a world leader in the fields of human resources and financial consulting, products and services, with over 19.000 employees serving clients in 180 cities and 40 countries all over the world.

10th place – Oslo (Norway)

Oslo is the capital and largest city in Norway. It is located at the mouth of a fjord bearing the same name. Founded in 1048 by King Harald the Third, Oslo was largely destroyed by a fire in 1624, and afterwards rebuilt by King Christian IV. 

9th Place – Kobe

Kobe is the sixth largest city in Japan. It is famed for its hot springs of Arima Onsen, which offer a breathtaking panorama, and is also a major port. Kobe is located in the Kansai region and is a part, along with Osaka and Kyoto, of the Keihanshin Metropolitan Area.

8th Place – Copenhagen (Denmark)

Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Its Danish name, København – ,,The traders’ harbour” – reminds us of its strategic position in the Baltic Sea.

Copenhagen has been recognised time and again for its outstanding quality of life and for being one of the most eco-friendly cities.


7th Place – Adelaide (Australia)

Adelaide is a coastal city in the Gulf of Saint Vincent. The city was named in 1836, by the first governor, Captain John Hindmarsh, after Adelaide of Saxen-Meniningen, queen-consort of King William IV. It is known as ,,The city of churches”.

6th Place – Minneapolis (U.S.A.)

Nicknamed ,,the city of lakes”, it is located on the right bank of the upper course of the Mississippi. Minneapolis lies in the state of Minnesota – U.S.A. and due to its location is an important tourist resort and trading centre.

Written by Ionela Marin and translated by Mihail Mitoșeriu  

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