Press release: The Premiere of the Documentary Film of the RO02-0013 Project – Integrated Study of the Contribution of Ecosystems found in the Pricop-Huta-Certeze and Upper Tisza (Tisa Superioară) Natura 2000 Protected Areas to the Sustainable Development of Local Communities (SIENPHCTS)

The tangible result of the SIENPHCTS Project took the form of a documentary film dedicated to the local communities and the environmental services that they derive and enjoy from the ecosystems which are found in the two Natura 2000 protected sites of Pricop-Huta-Certeze and Upper Tisza.

The film’s premiered in Cluj-Napoca, during an event organized by the AMEFA Cultural, Ecological and Sport Association on January 11th, 2017, at 6 o’clock in the evening in an amphitheatre belonging to the Geography Faculty of the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. The film’s screening was followed by a round of debates involving the producer and the promotion team.


The film lasts 60 minutes and was produced by Mr. Constantin Trofin. During an hour, the producers tried to immortalize the most representative elements that can be found in the two Natura 2000 protected sites and present them as a series of pictures that were filmed by teams from all of the partners that have been involved in the project. The film’s message is that by the long term preservation, accomplished in a rational manner, of a region’s natural resources, the local communities can develop harmoniously and in balance with nature.

With the help of the project’s national partner, the Heidenroslein Association, this film will be presented to a number of institutions (such as schools, local administrations) in the area that forms the focus of the project.

The producers express their gratitude to all their collaborators that took part in the creation of this film.

More information on the video material can be found on the project’s promotion channels (website, Facebook page, Youtube). The trailer is available here:

Information provided by Răzvan Bătinaș, article written by Valentina Manoiu and translated by Mihail Mitoseriu.

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