Message in a bottle

Manifesto for hiring geographers

I have to start by clarifying that the article you are about to read will not tackle any « green » subjects. I took the liberty of opening this debate here because Greenly’s writing committee…


The Jiu River’s Gorge – (already) a memory of the past?

The Jiu River, an important tributary of the Danube, situated in south-western Romania, drains a watershed covering 10.080 km2 and was, until recently one of the few Romanian rivers spared from alterations caused…


Let’s Make it Clear, Water Quality in the Razim-Sinoe Lagoon Complex

Hello dear readers! Today, we are going to discover together several interesting aspects about the present state of water quality in the Razim-Sinoe Lagoon Complex. But first, let’s start with a few geographic…


The Black Sea is Getting Even Blacker!

Dear readers, today I would like to talk to you about a topic which is not very visible but every bit as interesting: the Black Sea. Tourism hotspot,strategic crossroad, source of countless myths…


Press release: The Premiere of the Documentary Film of the RO02-0013 Project – Integrated Study of the Contribution of Ecosystems found in the Pricop-Huta-Certeze and Upper Tisza (Tisa Superioară) Natura 2000 Protected Areas to the Sustainable Development of Local Communities (SIENPHCTS)

The tangible result of the SIENPHCTS Project took the form of a documentary film dedicated to the local communities and the environmental services that they derive and enjoy from the ecosystems which are…

Riscul la inundaţii cu probabilitate de 1% suprapuse UAT-urilor şi ariilor protejate Natura 2000 Pricop – Huta-Certeze şi Tisa Superioară (compozit procesat pornind de la Directiva Inundații – Administraţia Naţională ,,Apele Române”)

Flood Risks in the Pricop-Huta-Certeze and Upper Tisa Nature 2000 Protected Areas (PHCTS)

Functioning as a triple partnership between the Babeș-Bolyai Faculty of Geography from Cluj-Napoca, acting as project promoter, the Heidenroslein Association from Baia Mare, as national partner, and the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research…


Fungi – The Greenest Packaging on the Market

We are slowly burying our planet under a mountain of waste – polystyrene for example. Polystyrene (that white and squeaky stuff that we used to play with when we were kids) is one…


Cosmic Waste: A Bad Step for Man, a Future Obstacle for Mankind

It was not enough for us to leave our mark on the Blue Planet. We are eager to conquer space, to explore as much as we can of the Universe’s infinite expanses and…


The influence of Climatic Elements on the Human Body

Man is a weather-sensitive being, reacting differently to various climatic elements, in accordance with its genetic characteristics, and must become aware of this sensitivity and evaluate its adaptability in order to prevent possible…


Why do we attract mosquitoes and how can we get rid of them?

Hunting is not one of the generally accepted ways of eliminating animals (or, in our specific case, insects) that come into conflict with mankind, so we will ignore such a solution from the…

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