What does Dâmbovița have to hide?

This is not a flooded landfill or at at least a waste collecting canal in some suburban area of a poor metropolis overwhelmed by trash. In fact, this image represents Dâmbovița and was taken from a bridge in Unirii Square – Bucharest. Due to a problem with the drainage system in an underground pipe at Izvor Bridge, the whole road section above the fissure site collapsed under its own weight and left behind a major crater. In order to carry out repair works, the flow of Dâmbovița River had to be controlled and, as a consequence, the whole river sector between Izvor Bridge and Unirii Square was drained of all water, which caused a significant rise in water level downstream and an almost complete emptying of the above-mentioned sector of Dâmbovița, exposing an enormous accumulation of waste that has been growing on the concrete covered bottom of the river. Hundreds of plastic bottles gleamed and showed their bright colours in the afternoon sun, revealing Dâmbovița’s true face.  IMG0928A

This is not an attempt at discussing some sort of scientific subject, nor an opportunity for describing in detail the hydraulic and hydrological problems caused by this unfortunate accident, this is merely a way of drawing attention towards the consequences of inadequate behaviors that people display in their interactions with the environment. Dâmbovița River, with its unique hydro-technical works and its concrete-enclosed riverbed between Lacul Morii and Glina, should set an example on the way in which a city’s public institutions (such as SGA Bucharest, the City’s Mayor, etc.), working together with the citizens (through their actions), manage to maintain a clean riverbed that carries a  water-flow which meets adequate standards of quality. Unfortunately, the reality that is to be found at the bottom of Dâmbovița River proves us once again that we are wrong and that, instead of silt and decomposing organic matter, the riverbed is riddled with tons of plastic bottles, aluminum cans  and various other types of rubbish.

As far as I know, there is no question about what the authorities should do first, before letting the water flow again between Izvor and Unirii – clean up all the rubbish from the riverbed…

IMG0927ANevertheless, since I know how things work around here, always superficially even when it comes to urgent matters, I expect that overnight, when the river sector will be filled up again with water after the repairs are carried out, the plastic bottles will be forgotten and left where they are for many years to come – replacing the alluvial bed of Dâmbovița River…

Article written by Gabriela Morosanu and translated by Mihail Mitoseriu!

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